Only when the mind is still, tranquil, not expecting, grasping or resisting a single thing, is it possible to see what is true. It’s the truth that liberates.

A state where your mind is clear of all thoughts, all concepts, is simply still. The monks would call it meditation; the athlete, the chef, the artist would all call it flowstate, and the scientist calls it a high combination of alpha and theta brain waves.

In collaboration with BE Cafe – a space for mind, body, and soul – we present to you our experience in Nepal where we were able to express ourselves freely. 

During the experience in Nepal, we trekked the Panchassee Trail, absorbing our surroundings of endless snow-dusted mountain views and lush green forests. We learnt how to express ourselves through mindfulness workshops, music, and flow activities.

Camping in the mountains pushed us to delve deep within ourself, challenging us to come out of our comfort zone physically, emotionally, and mentally.